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Simple ideas to spruce up your garden this July from Fiskars

It’s fair to say we’ve all been spending more time in the garden, and with the arrival of summer we have another excuse to get outdoors.

Georgina Taylor, Trade Marketing Manager at leading garden tools supplier, Fiskars, said: “Looking after your garden offers the perfect opportunity to get outside in the fresh air and keep active, it’s a great way of improving both your physical health and your mental health. If you want to get started, we have some top tips on what you should tackle first.”

Here are some simple tips and garden ideas, on how you could spruce things up this July. 

1. Clear Out: Whether it’s pulling up unwanted weeds, mowing overgrown grass or removing dead leaves and plants, having a good tidy up will give you more room to get creative with plants, patio or even decking.

2. Details: Pick up a spade and create fresh borders for flower beds or a freshly mown lawn is an easy way to add a superb finish without any fuss.

3. Trimming and Pruning: Whether you’ve got unruly trees or overgrown hedges, you should use loppers, hedge shears or tree pruners to tidy them up. This will not only improve the look of your garden but also help everything to stay healthy for years to come.

4. Ecology:
Keeping a good balance in your garden is essential when tidying and cleaning. For instance, rake any fallen leaves from the lawn into flower beds or into your compost, so that the energy from the leaves is absorbed into the soil and nourishes your garden.

For more information on Fiskars gardening tools or inspiration for your garden, you could visit