Due to high demand, our current bulk delivery lead time is up to 21 days. For the latest updates, please visit our delivery information page.
Find LPG bottle suppliers near me
Looking for new gas bottles or in need of an LPG bottle refill? We have stockists all around the UK. Simply enter your postcode to find your local Calor retailer. Our retailers stock a range of gas cylinders including Propane, Butane, Patio Gas and BBQ Gas. Use the filters to select whether you need delivery, a new bottle, or to find our preferred partners. **We always advise calling ahead of your visit to check opening hours, stock levels and availability of new bottles without an exchange.**
Looking for new gas bottles or in need of an LPG bottle refill? We have stockists all around the UK. Simply enter your postcode to find your local Calor retailer. Our retailers stock a range of gas cylinders including Propane, Butane, Patio Gas and BBQ Gas. Use the filters to select whether you need delivery, a new bottle, or to find our preferred partners. **We always advise calling ahead of your visit to check opening hours, stock levels and availability of new bottles without an exchange.**